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Data Source Properties

Properties common to all data sources

You can change the following properties for all the data sources:

PropertyDescriptionExamples / Limitations
Catalog NameEnter a name for the data source. This is unique across the Ahana compute plane. We recommend a descriptive name to help you identify the data source. It will also be used as the name of the catalog when attached to a Presto cluster.Due to Presto limitations, this value can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and underscores.
DescriptionOptional description to add context to the data source.

Hive Metastore for Amazon S3 properties

You can change the following properties for the Hive Metastore for Amazon S3 data source:

PropertyDescriptionExamples / Limitations
Thrift Endpoint URI(s)The URI(s) of your Hive metastore Thrift service. Define multiple URIs by separating them with commas.thrift://
S3 Role ARNThe ARN of the role that can connect to your S3 Bucket.arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-s3-role

Amazon Glue for S3 properties

You can change the following properties for the Amazon Glue for S3 data source:

PropertyDescriptionExamples / Limitations
AWS RegionThe Region where your AWS Glue Data Catalog is located.
Glue/S3 Role ARNAmazon Resource Names (ARNs) uniquely identify AWS resources. Enter the ARN for the Glue/S3 IAM Role that was created using the CloudFormation quick create. This role will be used by your Presto cluster to access your S3 data via the Glue Catalog.arn:aws:iam::123456789123:role/ahana-cloud-datasource-glue-s3-role

Amazon OpenSearch properties

You can change the following properties for the Amazon OpenSearch data source:

PropertyDescriptionExamples / Limitations
EndpointThe URL of the OpenSearch instance.
Enable TLS EncryptionDefault is Enabled.
AWS RegionThe AWS region where the OpenSearch instance is located.
Access Key IDThe AWS access key for the user with permission to connect to your OpenSearch instance.AKIRASB3AK3RXMR33PUK
Secret Access KeyThe secret access key associated with the Access Key ID.

Amazon RDS for MySQL properties

You can change the following properties for the Amazon RDS for MySQL data source:

PropertyDescriptionExamples / Limitations
EndpointThe endpoint of the RDS The endpoint must be accessible from the VPC where the Presto clusters are running.
PortThe port for the RDS instance. The default port for MySQL is 3306.
Configuration PropertiesAdditional properties which can be used to specify additional driver behavior specific to MySQL. See Configuration Properties.readOnly=true&loggerLevel=DEBUG
UserThe database username.
PasswordThe password for the database user.

Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL properties

You can change the following properties for the Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL data source:

PropertyDescriptionExamples / Limitations
EndpointThe endpoint of the RDS The endpoint must be accessible from the VPC where the Presto clusters are running.
PortThe port for the RDS instance. The default port for PostgreSQL is 5432.
Configuration PropertiesAdditional properties which can be used to specify additional driver behavior specific to PostgreSQL. See Connecting to the Database.readOnly=true&loggerLevel=DEBUG
Database NameThe name of the database to connect to.To access multiple databases on this database server, create additional data sources with the same endpoint and port and a different database name.
UserThe database username.
PasswordThe password for the database user.

Amazon Redshift properties

You can change the following properties for the Amazon Redshift data source:

PropertyDescriptionExamples / Limitations
EndpointThe endpoint of the Redshift The endpoint must be accessible from the VPC where the Presto clusters are running.
Connection ParametersAdditional properties which can be used to specify additional driver behavior specific to PostgreSQL.readOnly=true&loggerLevel=DEBUG
UserThe database username.
PasswordThe password for the database user.